I forget. We’re in another one here in Scotland, anyway, and thus we struggle on. As I write this post, however, I’m “enjoying” a week off from work, and so I am catching up on a fair bit of reading! Let’s recap.
Tag: D&D
It’s been a lean month in terms of productivity – real life got in my way again. But as I type this on the first (bright, windy) day of a two-week holiday, I am determined to improve matters. Let’s see what October got done…
The weather is turning chilly. Soon, Starbucks will be changing their seasonal menu… But before I settle into autumn, let’s look at what summer’s last gasp brought with it.
This month I finally got to take some time off, and it led to a deeply satisfying – and very rewarding! – uptick in my reading progress. Let’s look at what I read – and more!
It’s been a difficult month in a string of continuing difficult months, but there have been a few bright spots in it for me, and I have … tentative plans? Let’s look at what June did.
It’s been a heck of a month, and not really in the best way. Spring is struggling to appear here, and it’s taking a bit of a toll on my moods – but the upside to having to accept being largely stuck indoors for a month is that I get to indulge in all the books/tv/films I can stand! Let’s review February.
The hard work is done, and I’ve got a few days to breathe, relax, eat lots of food and enjoy myself. So naturally I’m back on the blog, to take a bit of time to look back over the year that was and remember fondly the best parts. Do join me!
So October was a bit of a ‘down’ month rather than ‘up’, on the Big Fun Mental Health Rollercoaster – but we’re heading for another ‘up’ so buckle in, there will probably be excited screaming!
It’s been a difficult month in terms of getting anything actually done, to the point where I’ve had to step back from some things and use my time to just breathe, regroup and try to focus on the next thing, and hope to return to the unfinished things when the brain weasels will allow it. But if there’s going to be time to breathe, it’s probably good that it was now. October is a day away, and I’ve got things …
So the weather’s gotten abominably warm, to the point where I’m hydrating more than I’ve ever hydrated before. On the plus side, I’m on a wonderful streak of reading amazing books, and with August on the doorstep, Worldcon is that much closer! Let’s look at what July got done, and take a look ahead at some fun things coming soon!
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