So the weather’s gotten abominably warm, to the point where I’m hydrating more than I’ve ever hydrated before. On the plus side, I’m on a wonderful streak of reading amazing books, and with August on the doorstep, Worldcon is that much closer!
Let’s look at what July got done, and take a look ahead at some fun things coming soon!
The Bitter Twins Read-along

My contributions were interrupted for a while thanks to the need to transfer my domain to a new web host, but as soon as things were up and running again, so was I. The first order of business was catching up with this Read-along and finally finishing this book, and oh my teacups, I was not ready.
If you missed my posts and want to see how badly Jen Williams DESTROYED ME, check them out at the Bitter Twins tag.
20 Books of Summer
Update time: I also made some progress with this reading list, though it is going a bit more slowly than I’d like – but August should help to sort that out, or so I hope!
- Lord of Secrets by Breanna Teintze – 4/5
- The Bitter Twins by Jen Williams – 5/5
- Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor – currently reading!
- The Perfect Assassin by K. A. Doore – 5/5
- Witchmark by C.L. Polk – 5/5
CHANGE TO THE SET LIST: The original reading list had The Poison Song on it, but after finishing The Bitter Twins it was decided to schedule the read-along for this one in September, so I’ve taken it off this list and replaced it with…
- This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone – 5/5
I don’t have nearly enough space in here to do the amount of praise-singing that these three books deserve, but I couldn’t pick just one standout read this month. So I’m picking three. I’ve been recommending these books to all my friends, and to the internet in general, after devouring them all within a week or so. It’s one heck of a bookish high to be on, and I want you here with me, so if you haven’t read these, what are you waiting for?! JOIN ME.
Nine Hearths (D&D)
Our group’s baby militia squad set out on another mission in this month’s session, after spending some time apart doing our own things, and STRANGE THINGS ARE AFOOT. We found an ancient tower in a mountain pass – but we could only see/enter it in full night-time? And the keeper is a sort-of ghost lady who’s stuck in a loop of another time and/or place?? And when the sun came up the whole place disappeared???
GHOST TOWER. Ghost tower that may in fact be one of the eponymous Nine Hearths! Ghost hostess (ghostess?) called it the Home of the Eternal Hearth. So now we are all kinds of intrigued!
Finally we have something to investigate on our own, and just as we’re starting to open up to each other. My fellow players, bless their devious hearts, had a bit of a confession session WHILE NAIVARA WAS ASLEEP.
But I’ll get my own back. Don’t you worry. Naivara’s conversion to paladin-hood is gaining steam, and she’s got secrets of her own to (eventually) share…
Anyway – we were missing our bard on this one due to scheduling conflicts with her player, so now our goal (after reporting back to our captain, of course) is to track her down and tell her everything and let her go to town on this mysterious tower with her books and her smarts.
I can’t wait. I CANNOT WAIT.
What’s Next?
Worldcon, baby! I plan to have plenty of Twitter and Instagram action for you, since it’s unlikely that I’ll keep up any sort of regular blog presence while I’m surrounded by a thousand other nerds.
But! Around that little bubble of convention attention, I’ll have weekly breakdown/discussion posts about Dreams of Gods and Monsters, which I have finally begun reading and have so many thoughts about already! Watch out for my first post coming in the next few days.
In other news, while plans are still a little way from being announced, I can confirm that both Spooktastic Reads and Sci-Fi Month will be returning for another spin around the blogosphere, in October and November respectively! I’ll have a proper announcement about Spooktastic Reads, along with more information for newcomers, very soon – and you can keep an eye on imyril’s blog for forthcoming details about Sci-Fi Month!
After Wyrd & Wonder kind of blew up participation-wise back in May, we are VERY EXCITED to be getting on with both the little-sister and big-sister events again this year, so do stay tuned!
One Last Thing
If you’ve enjoyed any of the content I post and would like to show support/help me continue to be a massive book nerd/assist me in keeping the lights on at the Geekhaus, I have a Ko-fi account you can drop a few (entirely voluntary!) quid into, with my eternal thanks!
2 comments On Refresh: July 2019 Recap
I can’t wait until Sci-fi Month!
Same! 😉
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