Hey there, cats and kittens! It’s been a minute since I wrote anything on here, so I figured I would bash some keys while I have the brainpower and see what happens. This is, as “key bashing” would suggest, pretty much just going to be a casual wee catch-up sort of post as I share thoughts on stuff I’ve been reading. Or watching. Or whatever. Let’s chat!
Category: Recaps
I forget. We’re in another one here in Scotland, anyway, and thus we struggle on. As I write this post, however, I’m “enjoying” a week off from work, and so I am catching up on a fair bit of reading! Let’s recap.
Well, we did it. Time is meaningless and November, much like 2020 as a whole, felt like it lasted far longer than it did at times (let’s hear it for being a key worker), but there was a wonderful shining light called Sci-Fi Month to get me through it, even if I didn’t post nearly as much content as I would have liked. I did get some awesome media consumed, though! Let’s look back…
It’s been a lean month in terms of productivity – real life got in my way again. But as I type this on the first (bright, windy) day of a two-week holiday, I am determined to improve matters. Let’s see what October got done…
The weather is turning chilly. Soon, Starbucks will be changing their seasonal menu… But before I settle into autumn, let’s look at what summer’s last gasp brought with it.
This month I finally got to take some time off, and it led to a deeply satisfying – and very rewarding! – uptick in my reading progress. Let’s look at what I read – and more!
It’s been a difficult month in a string of continuing difficult months, but there have been a few bright spots in it for me, and I have … tentative plans? Let’s look at what June did.
Well, we reached the end of another month in 2020. I’m still here, and I sincerely hope you’re all doing whatever you can to get yourselves through this … very, very strange time we’re now living in. But let’s not get into that here, today. Today, I’m here to round up what was a very stop-start-surprise!binge sort of month, reading-wise. Then we can finally turn our attention toward the third annual Wyrd and Wonder celebration of fantasy! But first…
It’s been a heck of a month, and not really in the best way. Spring is struggling to appear here, and it’s taking a bit of a toll on my moods – but the upside to having to accept being largely stuck indoors for a month is that I get to indulge in all the books/tv/films I can stand! Let’s review February.
The new year is here, and I wish everything felt shiny and new. On a personal level, I do have a refreshed outlook, and a newly-tapped sense of determination not to let the bastards grind me down. Pardon the language if you will, but I suspect it’s understandable. Anyway! This is about good things that got done, isn’t it? So let’s talk about the joy I found in January.
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