April Recap: Hanging in there

Well, we reached the end of another month in 2020. I’m still here, and I sincerely hope you’re all doing whatever you can to get yourselves through this … very, very strange time we’re now living in. But let’s not get into that here, today. Today, I’m here to round up what was a very stop-start-surprise!binge sort of month, reading-wise. Then we can finally turn our attention toward the third annual Wyrd and Wonder celebration of fantasy! But first…

Top Ten Tuesday: Listen up!

*Pulls back the curtains, opens the windows, hisses at the sunlight* Hello! And welcome (back, again) to Top Ten Tuesday. I haven’t done one of these in a little while – in fact, I haven’t done much of anything here in a little while. But I am changing that today, with a fun return to this favourite feature!

Top Ten Tuesday: Social media butterflies

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is a fun one – which fictional characters would you follow on social media? I’ve been a bit more selective for this one, only managing to pick five characters I’d follow – but there’s a nice variety of social media sites here as well as characters! So let’s introduce ourselves… Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This weekly list feature

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Top Ten Tuesday: Starry-eyed for books

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This weekly list feature uses topic prompts to inspire readers/bloggers to share the best (or worst, or most Interesting) of their bookshelves, be it the TBR section, personal favourites or books that have caught their attention. This week’s prompt is “TBR books you predict will be 5-star reads”, and this one is bound to be interesting! It’s also a tricky

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And so it begins: January 2020 Recap

The new year is here, and I wish everything felt shiny and new. On a personal level, I do have a refreshed outlook, and a newly-tapped sense of determination not to let the bastards grind me down. Pardon the language if you will, but I suspect it’s understandable. Anyway! This is about good things that got done, isn’t it? So let’s talk about the joy I found in January.

Top Ten Tuesday: Here Be Dragons

It’s the final Tuesday of May, and that means it’s time for my most anticipated fantasy-themed top ten of the month. Today, I am all about dragons! Big ones, little ones, good and evil ones, from clever swindlers to bookish companions – whether they’re well loved favourites or still waiting their turn on my TBR, they’ve all got a place on the treasure hoard!

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