Calm before the nerd storm: September 2019 Recap

It’s been a difficult month in terms of getting anything actually done, to the point where I’ve had to step back from some things and use my time to just breathe, regroup and try to focus on the next thing, and hope to return to the unfinished things when the brain weasels will allow it. But if there’s going to be time to breathe, it’s probably good that it was now. October is a day away, and I’ve got things

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Spooktastic Reads 2019

The nerd beacons are lit! Wyrd & Wonder calls for aid! And your TBR will (hopefully) answer. I admit it feels a little odd to be announcing this in the middle of a summer heatwave, but screw it – the team at Wyrd & Wonder are nothing if not excitable, and we’re already making plans. So it seems only fair to give you lot a chance to do the same. Announcing Spooktastic Reads 2019!

Refresh: July 2019 Recap

So the weather’s gotten abominably warm, to the point where I’m hydrating more than I’ve ever hydrated before. On the plus side, I’m on a wonderful streak of reading amazing books, and with August on the doorstep, Worldcon is that much closer! Let’s look at what July got done, and take a look ahead at some fun things coming soon!

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