December is here. It’s the darkest month, and also my busiest IRL. Thanks, postal service job.
But! Before I take that deep dive into overtime, let’s recap what was a really awesome November AKA SciFi Month, and look at what might possibly help me get through the month ahead with my sanity intact…
Mission Status Updates
For the complete round-ups of everything that our fabulous SciFi Month Fleet threw at us, check out these recap links!
Week 1: Dear Geek Place | There’s Always Room For One More
Week 2: Dear Geek Place | There’s Always Room For One More
Week 3: Dear Geek Place | There’s Always Room For One More
Week 4: Dear Geek Place | There’s Always Room For One More
Final week: Dear Geek Place | There’s Always Room For One More
My final post for The Sparrow Read-along is still due, thanks to an ill-timed slump in productivity during the last couple of weeks. When I’m feeling a bit more balanced, that will be at the top of my to-do list. One thing at a time, isn’t that what they say?
In other news, December will be (by necessity, thanks again workload) a quiet one on the reading/blogging front – but that’s certainly not to say that I won’t be reading anything at all! imyril and I are planning a casual return to our Deverry buddy read, to begin with a reread of Daggerspell just as soon as my newly ordered copy of the shiny new Harper Voyager paperback edition arrives.
Tha mi air bhioran!
Wait, what?
If you don’t speak Gaelic, that means “I am excited!”. And that’s another thing I’m excited about right now – Duolingo have finally rolled out a Scots Gaelic language course on their app, and you’d better believe I’m getting right into it!
If I can get my Scottish pride on for just a minute, this honestly is a big deal for us Scots. The 2011 census showed that only 1.1% of our population spoke Gaelic. That’s just over 57,000 people in a population that once spoke the language exclusively. It’s been in decline for a long time, so this attempt at reviving it, and getting more people learning it, is a huge deal. It really seems to be taking off beautifully so far, and I hope that it goes a long way toward bringing back what’s been an important part of our history, and deserves to be a part of today’s Scottish culture.
Hell. It just makes me smile to hear the sound of it, and if that’s not reason enough to learn, I don’t know what is. And you know what will eventually follow if I’m successful, right?
That’s right. BOOKS IN GAELIC.
Aw yeah.
That’s basically it for my recap for now, I think. Now it’s time to get back to digging down the back of the sofa for my energy levels. They got lost for a few days there, and I’m going to really need them…
One Last Thing
If you’ve enjoyed any of the content I post and would like to show support/help me continue to be a massive book nerd/assist me in keeping the lights on at the Geekhaus, I have a Ko-fi account you can drop a few (entirely voluntary!) quid into, with my eternal thanks!
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