Mission Status Update: In orbit

At the end of the first full week, SciFi Month 2019 appears to be going splendidly! Let’s take a look at what our daring Fleet have achieved this week, shall we?


Photo by Sebastien Decoret on 123RF.com



Maddalena at Space and Sorcery – The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold: Barrayar | The Warrior Apprentice | The Mountains of Mourning

Mogsy at The BiblioSanctumHow Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse by K Eason | Aurora Blazing by Jessie Mihalik | Walking to Aldebaran by Adrian Tchaikovsky

The Captain at Captain’s QuartersChilling Effect by Valerie Valdes | The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell

FanFiAddictAll Systems Red by Martha Wells | Fortuna by Kristyn Merbeth | Snapshot by Brandon Sanderson

Kalena at Reader VoraciousThe Light at the Bottom of the World by London Shah

Istoria LitSkein Island by Aliya Whiteley

Astra ReadsSkyward by Brandon Sanderson

SJ Higbee at BrainfluffFirst Flyght by SJ Pajonas

Tammy at Books, Bones & BuffyAll Systems Red by Martha Wells

Annemieke at A Dance With BooksFrom the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne

Mervi at Mervi’s Book ReviewsBatman/Aliens by Ron Marz & Bernie Wrightson

TS Chan at Novel NotionsRemembrance of Earth’s Past by Cixin Liu

Jess at JessticulatesIlluminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

imyril at There’s Always Room For One MoreA Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine

Mayri at Book ForagerThe Electric State by Simon Stalenhag


It’s been considerably quieter on the read-along front, but hey – sometimes quiet is nice! And I was pleased to see old SF/F Read Alongs pal Allie at Tethyan Books join us for the Wayfarers read along!

imyril: The Sparrow, Part 1 | Record of a Spaceborn Few, Part 1

Lisa (that’s me!): The Sparrow, Part 1 | Record of a Spaceborn Few, Part 1

Allie: Record of a Spaceborn Few, Part 1



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