Winds of change: The Goblin Emperor Readalong, Part 3

This train is gathering steam this week, as certain parties make a very dangerous move – and pay for it. Meanwhile Maia is finding his feet as a politician as well as in his role as emperor, but will there be a cost to that? Let’s discuss The Goblin Emperor. Spoilers follow for chapters 18 through 26.

Gather your party: a Wyrd and Wonder round-up

Sunday may be a day of rest, but there is apparently no rest for this year’s wicked adventuring party! Wyrd and Wonder has officially kicked off, and its first weekend has been bustling with awesome content! imyril will have a round-up of some of that for you, but over here today I’m helping you all get to know each other a bit better with a round-up of participant intro posts, as well as picking a few gems from the first

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