Winds of change: The Goblin Emperor Readalong, Part 3

This train is gathering steam this week, as certain parties make a very dangerous move – and pay for it. Meanwhile Maia is finding his feet as a politician as well as in his role as emperor, but will there be a cost to that? Let’s discuss The Goblin Emperor. Spoilers follow for chapters 18 through 26.

April Recap: Hanging in there

Well, we reached the end of another month in 2020. I’m still here, and I sincerely hope you’re all doing whatever you can to get yourselves through this … very, very strange time we’re now living in. But let’s not get into that here, today. Today, I’m here to round up what was a very stop-start-surprise!binge sort of month, reading-wise. Then we can finally turn our attention toward the third annual Wyrd and Wonder celebration of fantasy! But first…

Announcing the Wyrd and Wonder 2020 Readalong!

*Dusts the shelves, throws open curtains, opens windows* Hello, and welcome back! Yes, I am still alive, still … getting by? As I hope we all are? Times are so strange, you guys. So strange. But hey, let’s talk about something more fun! Today I am planning a thing, with the help of my Wyrd and Wonder cohorts – I bring you the Wyrd and Wonder 2020 Readalong!

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