Turning for home: a Wyrd and Wonder Quest Log

Our treasures and discoveries are still coming in as we start to look toward the end of the month, so let’s look over what our adventuring party has been reading this month!


Image: Flaming phoenix by Sujono Sujono, on 123RF.com


First up, the reviews!


And now let’s take a look at the random treasure we brought in this week!

A couple of us got in on the Six Degrees of Fantasy Separation action, with Mayri at The Book Forager and Beth of Beth’s Bookish Thoughts putting their brains to work on this twisty challenge;

Lynn at Lynn’s Book Blog and S.J. Higbee at Brainfluff both brought us a Friday Face-Off, while S.J. also shared a Can’t Wait Wednesday feature;

Rin at The 13th Shelf offered up another trio of features, with a look at fine (magical) jewellery for Literary Finds, as well as some Harry Potter enamel pins from an indie designer, and another Artist Showcase featuring Kuniko Y Craft;

Jenna at Falling Letters considered a fantasy quartet for I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read That Yet, while Jess at Jessticulates brought us another Shelf Control post featuring Garth Nix’s Goldenhand;

Annemieke at A Dance With Books invited us to Get To Know The Fantasy Reader, and Ola & Piotrek at Re-enchantment of the World tackled their Fantasy Bucket List;

and finally, Brittany at Perfectly Tolerable offered something a little different, but just as much fun, with an Owlcrate Unboxing!


That’s it from me for this week, but as usual don’t forget to check out There’s Always Room For One More, for a round-up of the rest of your excellent content, and Jorie Loves a Story for a recap of the photo prompt challenge!

One more week to go…




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