In search of treasure: a Wyrd and Wonder Quest Log

It’s been a full week now, and our adventures are well underway!

Let’s take a look at the reviews and other assorted treasure our party has collected – and there’s a lot of loot here. Good work, team!


Image: Flaming phoenix by Sujono Sujono, on


Dianthaa at Dianthaa’s Dabbles presented a collection of four mini-reviews: The Magpie Lord by KJ Charles, The Girl Who Married a Skull and Other African Stories edited by Kel McDonald, Kate Ashwin, Charlie Spike Trotman and Taneka Stotts, Terry Pratchett’s Reaper Man, and Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones.

Meanwhile Jess over at Jessticulates got in on the romantic action by also reviewing The Magpie Lord, along with The Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang and The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo.

Joining the ranks of the dual-wielders were:

Rowena at Beneath a Thousand Skies, who rocked up with a pair of reviews for Along the Razor’s Edge by Rob J. Hayes, and The Heron Kings by Eric Lewis;

Lisa at Way Too Fantasy with Night of the Dragon by Julie Kagawa, and The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Geisbrecht;

S.J. Higbee at Brainfluff with Witch Dust by Marilyn Messik, and The Pursuit of William Abbey by Claire North;

Maddalena at Space and Sorcery with reviews of The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black, and Season One of The Witcher;

Annemieke at A Dance With Books, who reviewed Discworld’s Imaginarium and Iron Cast by Destiny Soria;

My co-host imyril at There’s Always Room For One More added reviews of Dawnspell by Katharine Kerr and The Deep by Rivers Solomon to the pot;

Caitlin at Realms of My Mind tossed in reviews of Soulkeeper by David Dalglish and Blood Tally by Brian McClellan;

JonBob at Parsecs & Parchment presented reviews of A Dead Djinn in Cairo by P. Djeli Clark, and The Tethered Mage by Melissa Caruso;

and Peat Long ventured into Sample Mountain for a bit of a fantasy buffet, then offered up a review of Ravenheart by David Gemmell.

Others who returned with their singular selections were:

Natrosette, with a review of The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan;

Ollie at That Guy Reading, with a trilogy review of The Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire by Rod Duncan;

Liz at Redd’s Reads reviewed Made In Abyss 1-7 by Akihito Tsukushi;

Dorian Hart over at The Fantasy Hive reviewed Sixteen Ways To Defend a Walled City, by KJ Parker;

from PendoLand, we received a review of Oath Taker by Audrey Grey;

Acqua of Acquadimore Books reviewed Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust;

in Erin’s Library, there was a review of The Rose and the Dagger by Renee Ahdieh;

in The Captain’s Quarters, we got a review of The Mermaid, The Witch and the Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall;

Mervi at Mervi’s Book Reviews contributed a review of Sabriel by Garth Nix;

and Mayri at Book Forager also got into this series with a review of (or rather, a letter to!) Lirael;

Emily at Fleurs Bleues gave us a review of Orange World and Other Stories by Karen Russell;

Line at First Line Reader, who shared her thoughts on Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth;

and Peyton at Word Wilderness rounded things out with a review of Savage by Nicole Conway.


Whew! After all that, let’s get some tea going…

… back again? Feeling refreshed? Then let’s peruse our random treasures!

Rin at The 13th Shelf brought quite the goodie bag, starting with some ambient instrumental tracks to enjoy while reading stories about thieves. She then presented a selection of fitting accessories for the thief with style! Finally, she treated us to an Artist Showcase featuring the (beautiful!) work of Anato Finnstark.

Anouk at Time For Tales and Tea took part in the Fantasy Bucket List book tag, and also put forth an effort to sell us on 5 books in 5 words. Not to be outdone, Ola & Piotrek at Re-enchanting the World put their own spin on this feature!

Beth at Beth’s Bookish Thoughts shared her favourite quotes from Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie, and featured Chocolat by Joanne Harris for Book Beginnings/Friday 56.

Brittany at Perfectly Tolerable celebrated Star Wars Day on her blog, while Robin Kirk explored some fantastical worlds in Mapping the Imaginary.

A few of us enjoyed the Get To Know The Fantasy Reader tag: Mervi, Erin, and Lisa (Way Too Fantasy) all stepped into the spotlight! And sticking with the book tag theme, ZeZee With Books got in a round of Quickfire Fantasy.

S.J. Higbee hyped up The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty for Can’t Wait Wednesday; Sammie at The Bookwyrm’s Den shared some ‘witchy goodness‘ (here for it) for MG/YA Takes on Thursday; and Liz at Redd’s Reads got her Fangirl Friday on to talk about the work of Jane Lindskold.

Jess came back for another round, with her Shelf Control post on Sekret by Lindsay Smith, while Jodie at Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub sat down to discuss Women in Fantasy: the good, the bad and the hardcore.

Annemieke at A Dance With Books, in her official role as one of our busiest bees, put the word out that she’s creating a Masterlist of SFF Bloggers!

And finally, DeeZee at Dragons and Zombies masterminded the Fantasy Hunger Games and has presented us with the first round of combatants, before putting together her own weekly wrap-up of Wyrd and Wonder goings-on! WARNING: features a handsome fuzzy companion.

… And if that cute snoot isn’t the best note on which to end my half of this week’s Quest Log, I don’t know what is. Don’t forget to check out the rest of our round-up with imyril over at There’s Always Room For One More.

Until next week, brave adventurers!














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