Let’s take a little break from reviews and bookish discussions with a fun feature post! I discovered this feature via Lauren over at Always Me, though the tag was originally created by Matthew Sciarappa. Read on for more!
Tag: Becky Chambers
Welcome to the second of our SciFi Month Read-alongs! I am so excited to share thoughts and feelings about this book with fellow nerds, so let’s get to it, shall we? NOTE: SPOILERS FOLLOW FOR PROLOGUE & PART 1.
IT’S HEEEEEERE! Welcome, dear Fleet, to Sci-Fi Month 2019! Our course is set and autopilot is on for the moment, so let’s drift a little and get ourselves comfortable. It’s time for me to share my plans for the journey ahead…
Signaling the SciFi Month Fleet! Today I’ve got the details of this year’s Read-along, and I am super excited for it. We will be reading Record of a Spaceborn Few, the third volume of the Hugo Award-winning Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers! You game? Details below!
So I’m rolling Sunday and Monday into one post to wrap up my Worldcon diary today, on account of Monday’s adventures mostly only involving very tired travel and I’m sure nobody needs me to tell them about that. Nonetheless, I have good things to say, and I’m still having feelings about some of it…
Haven’t done this in a while, but today I’m feeling inspired so let’s take a look at some of my favourite comfort reads! (Note: Certain selections below may not *seem* very comforting, but nonetheless I always enjoy them…) Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
In this episode, Asala and Niko are heading for Hypatia as they follow the trail of the eponymous missing ship – but they’ve got an unexpected third party aboard their cruiser. Cue much awkwardness, and some very tense situations. Let’s discuss The Vela. Spoilers follow for this episode.
NERDS! IN! SPAAAAACE! Normally I like to bury myself in fantasy over the winter season, but this January I’m making an exception for an exceptional book, with a little help from a fellow Sci-Fi Month Fleet member and all round joyful nerd, Jorie. Keep reading for more info!
Well, it is now the final day of this year’s Sci-Fi Month celebration. My recap will go live tomorrow, but for now I’ve got one more round of thoughts, feelings and general flailing excitement to share as I dive into the final part of The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, following the excellent Twitter chat held on Sunday by your, my, our beloved @joriestory. CAUTION: There will be spoilers!
It’s time for another round of Wayfarer Appreciation, as I dive into discussion of the second part of The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet following our wonderful Twitter chat this past Sunday, courtesy of @joriestory! FAIR WARNING – there will be spoilers ahead! This post, and the questions, cover “The Wane” through “Hatch, Feather, House”.
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