The Vela, Episode 1.1: A Leisurely Extinction, by SL Huang

Hooray hooray, it’s a new serial day! The Vela is one of the latest new releases from Serial Box Publishing and has been on my 2019 watch list for a while, because the lineup of writers associated with it knocked my geeky socks off: SL Huang, Becky Chambers, Rivers Solomon and Yoon Ha Lee. I mean. It’s like rock star levels of writer collaboration, if you’re a modern sci-fi nerd. And I love me some modern sci-fi. So let’s dive

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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Must Have in 2019

So I fell off this bandwagon a little bit over the last few weeks, but I am climbing back aboard this week to share with you ten of my most anticipated book releases of 2019! (This week’s prompt was a freebie, I am just really super excited about all these new stories!) Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

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