Appearances can be deceiving: The Bitter Twins Read-along, Part 4

Tor and Noon go looking for answers, and only find more questions. Hestillion seizes the chance for more power, and finds herself making an irrevocable move. And Vintage is up to her eyes in political trouble. Everything’s fine here, how are you? Let’s discuss The Bitter Twins. Spoilers follow for chapters 35 through 46.

The course of true love: The Bitter Twins, Part 3

  It’s time for another round of playing catch-up, and today I am (desperately) catching up with the Read-along for The Bitter Twins! I left things at Part 3 (AKA chapters 23 to 34) of the book, in which a lot of the focus seems to be on various characters’ relationships – mostly romantic, though not very secure … for various reasons. Nothing is OK. Nothing. Let’s discuss The Bitter Twins. (With spoilers!)

Go your own way: The Bitter Twins Read-along, Part 2

It’s week two of our continuing Winnowing Flame Read-along, and things are getting pretty tense! As if they weren’t already… As most of the party set out on separate missions, Vintage is left holding down the fort, and it doesn’t take long for some interesting newcomers to pay a visit… Let’s discuss The Bitter Twins. Spoilers follow for chapters 13 through 22.

Prepare for war: The Bitter Twins Read-along, Part 1

Life with their war beasts hasn’t been all roses for our heroes since we saw them last. They’re spending more time fighting amongst themselves than preparing to fight their enemies. And then there’s the matter of Hestillion having crossed enemy lines… Deep breaths. Let’s discuss The Bitter Twins. (Spoilers follow for chapters 1-12.)

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