SciFi Month 2022: Preparing for launch!

Hello spacefarers! Just a quick post today to update you on the preparations going on behind the scenes at SciFi Month HQ! Beam up to the bridge…


Mars(?) rover in the foreground of a green-painted landscape. Text reads "Ten years of exploring all things SF / SciFi Month 2022 / 1-30 November".


So, first up is a little update on my planned readalong for the final novel in the Wayfarers series, The Galaxy, and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers! This will be going ahead, don’t worry, but following a frankly rather annoying snafu regarding my intention to use Twitter Communities to run the readalong, much as we did with our Wyrd & Wonder readalongs back in May, we quickly had to find an alternative house for the party and we landed on Discord! Our SciFi Month server (I think that’s what they’re called, I may be An Old) is now up and running, and if you’d like to join us there simply hit up myself or imyril for an invite (@deargeekplace and @imyril on Twitter).

And if you need a reminder, here’s the full schedule for the readalong:


  • Week 1: from Prologue, “Opening Hours”, up to Part 4, “Attempted Repairs”. Q&As on Saturday, November 12th
  • Week 2: from Part 4, “Attempted Repairs”, up to “Compounded System Failure”. Q&As on Saturday, November 19th
  • Week 3: from “Compounded System Failure” up to the end. Q&As on Saturday, November 26th


It’s a shorter one than usual, but as always if you’d like to host a week just let me know! Oh, and courtesy of imyril and her arty wizardry we have a readalong banner!


Mountains/landscape in black silhouette, under a purple-tinted sky full of stars, with ocean in the background. Text reads "The galaxy, and the Ground Within / A #SciFiMonth read-along / weekly discussions starting November 12, hosted by @deargeekplace".



Next up: prizes for participants! As we do every year, we are going to run some tasty bookish giveaways, including a sweet assortment of recent SF titles from our friends over at Rebellion Publishing! Check out imyril’s post for more details on that.

As for myself, I will be offering an endgame enticement of a £20 e-voucher for The Portal Bookshop to our UK participants who sign up and take part! This giveaway will run throughout November, and I’ll select and announce a winner on Saturday, December 3rd.

Eligibility is simple: simply sign up to the event (no need to arrive early, signups during November will be counted) and post something SciFi Month-related before November 30th to be entered in the draw.

You don’t have to write a blog post, either – social media posts will also count! For those Twitterers out there: a single tweet will not count, but a thread will. Just be sure to tag us @SciFiMonth and use the #SciFiMonth hashtag!


That’s it from me for the moment, but I look forward to another journey! See you on board…


IMAGE CREDIT: All SciFi Month artwork this year is courtesy of Simon Fetscher.

As always, you are welcome to use our banners, buttons and graphics on your own blog posts/social media. Just please remember to credit the artist, and also that any changes other than resizing are not permitted. 



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