Wyrd and Wonder Read Along 2024

It’s April! Which means it’s time for another Wyrd and Wonder announcement/update! This time I’m announcing my Read Along selection, so let’s get to it, shall we?


Image of a cute little black and orange dragon, against a white background. Text reads "Wyrd & Wonder / Celebrate the Fantastic / 1-31 May"


This year’s theme is Comfort Zones, and I’ve selected my choice of book for this year’s Read Along appropriately. I love magic, I love atmospheric settings, and I love romance.

Enter The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.


Cover image for The Night Circus. Features the title in the centre, with overlapping circus tents in the background and two figures, presumably the main characters, near the bottom. The colour scheme is black, white and red.


The circus arrives without warning.

Full of breathtaking amazements and open only at night, Le Cirque des RĂªves seems to cast a spell over all who wander its circular paths. But behind the glittering acrobats, fortune-tellers and contortionists a fierce competition is underway.

Celia and Marco are two young magicians who have been trained since childhood for a deadly duel. With the lives of everyone at the Circus of Dreams at stake, they must test the very limits of the imagination, and of their love.


Banner for the Read Along, featuring aspects of the book's cover art - two silhouetted figures in white against a black background. The woman on the right is wearing a red scarf that trails out across the image, toward the man on the left. There's also a bird in flight, also silhouetted in white. Text on the far left reads "The Night Circus / A #WyrdAndWonder Read-Along".


And here’s the reading schedule – I’m happy to have others host a week, so if you’d like to jump in there, let me know!

Week 1: Part One, “Primordium” – questions on or by Sunday, May 5th
Week 2: Part Two, “Illumination” – questions on or by Sunday, May 12th
Week 3: Part Three, “Intersections” – questions on or by Sunday, May 19th
Week 4: Parts Four and Five, “Incendiary” & “Divination” – questions on or by Sunday, May 26th


That’s it from me for the moment, but don’t forget to check out other announcements with more awesome news and extras from my co-hosts – Ariana at The Book Nook has been working on something awesome for our prompt challenge, and Annemieke at A Dance With Books has another Read Along going!

See you in May…



Banner: Black dragon by Ehtisham Sajid

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