Sci-Fi Month 2022: Time for take-off!

3, 2, 1, let’s jam!

I can’t believe it’s November already. I should have a plan. Plans are a thing, right? Let’s talk about plans…

Mars(?) rover in the foreground of a green-painted landscape. Text reads "Ten years of exploring all things SF / SciFi Month 2022 / 1-30 November".


… So I don’t really have a plan, this year. But you know what? That’s OK. There’s something to be said for winging it, and I’m feeling the need to be as chilled out as I can this time around. *Looks at the whole world* … Yeah. Chill is the key.

But I do fully intend to bring you a fun Read-along and a giveaway! You can check out my previous post here for those details.

Elsewhere, imyril has our annual Sci-Fi Month Challenge, as well as some Top Ten topics for you too! And, with what was perhaps some fortuitous timing *looks at Twitter* we have somewhere new for our crew to gather! This year we’re trying out a dedicated Sci-Fi Month Discord, which participants are welcome to join – just get in touch with myself or imyril for an invite.

My traditional live-tweet events are still on the agenda as well, though I’ve yet to confirm my choices – if you’ve got a suggestion for a fun movie you’d like to me to chatter about, drop a comment below or send a tweet my way and let me know!

I think that’s it, for now. It is early morning here and I’ve got tea to finish, so I’m going to do that, choose a book and get myself started.

Safe travels, dear adventurers!


IMAGE CREDIT: All SciFi Month artwork this year is courtesy of Simon Fetscher.

As always, you are welcome to use our banners, buttons and graphics on your own blog posts/social media. Just please remember to credit the artist, and also that any changes other than resizing are not permitted. 

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