Sci-Fi Month Mission Log: Week 3

It’s that time again, space crew! As we flip and burn to begin the journey homeward, let’s take a look at your lists, recs and challenge posts from the previous week. Oh, and our Read Along Q&As!



Amanda at Classy x Book Reviews – Amanda’s Entire Science Fiction TBR | CHALLENGE: Previously, on Sci-Fi Month

Maddalena at Space and Sorcery – CHALLENGE: Even Better Together

Suzy’s Cozy World – Sci-Fi Galore! Or My Sci-Fi Wishlist!

Mervi’s Book Reviews – CHALLENGE: To Boldly Go

Mogsy at The BiblioSanctum – Waiting on Wednesday: Infinity Gate by M.R. Carey

Annemieke at A Dance With Books – 10 Sci-Fi Series I Need To Catch Up On (Top Ten Tuesday)

Lauren at Always Me – Sci-Fi Books Already Released This Year I Want To Read (Top Ten Tuesday)

Tammy at Books, Bones & Buffy – Future Fiction #203

Caitlin G. at Realms Of My Mind – Waiting on Wednesday: The Archive Undying

Sci-Fi Month Read Along: The Galaxy, and the Ground Within

Week 1: Discussion questionsDear Geek Place | Bookforager

Week 2: Discussion questionsDear Geek Place | Bookforager


That’s it from me, but check in with imyril for a round-up of your reviews and other fun stuff! Onward…


IMAGE CREDIT: All SciFi Month artwork this year is courtesy of Simon Fetscher.

As always, you are welcome to use our banners, buttons and graphics on your own blog posts/social media. Just please remember to credit the artist, and also that any changes other than resizing are not permitted. 



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