Wyrd and Wonder: signup giveaway and TBR goals

Hello, hello and welcome to what I’m choosing to think of as a Wyrd and Wonder 2021 pre-launch party! Perhaps it’s ambitious of me since I am generally not the strict planning sort, but I’ve cobbled together a TBR pile for this year’s fantasy extravaganza and was excited to share it.

Oh, and there are prizes for participants. Let’s see what’s in my bag of goodies…


Image on right: leaping pegasus in blue/purple, with text reading "WYRD AND WONDER / Celebrate the Fantastic | May 1-31


First up, let’s look at what I hope to be reading in May! I’m tackling a mix of backlist books and ARCs this year. From the backlist (and as part of my Subjective Chaos reading, more on that in a bit), I’ve picked a trio of Aliette de Bodard books: The House of Sundering Flames (Dominion of the Fallen #3), Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders (a Dominion of the Fallen story), and Fireheart Tiger.

Also from the backlist is A Song With Teeth by T. Frohock, Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse, and Andrea Stewart’s The Bone Shard Daughter – which is our Wyrd and Wonder Read-along selection this year! Looking forward to both of those.

From the ARC stack, I’ve chosen to add both Son of the Storm by Suyi Davies Okungbowa and The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri to the TBR pile!

And I won’t be stopping at reading! As has become a bit of a Wyrd and Wonder tradition, I’ll be looking at fantasy movies/TV shows to livetweet and/or review during May. Grabbing my attention most firmly at the moment is the shiny new Netflix adaptation of Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone series, but I’ll be rooting out some previously unseen/unspoiled movies to chatter about on the social media too!

For more info on the event and details on how to sign up, you can visit There’s Always Room For One More and check out imyril’s post on the subject.

And if you need a wee incentive to encourage your official participation, how does a signup giveaway sound?

Posts mean prizes!

From RIGHT NOW, Sunday 25th April, until midnight on Friday 30th April (UK time), I am offering one lucky participant the chance to win a £20 gift voucher for any purchase from the fantasy section at The Portal Bookshop!

THE RULES: This giveaway is only open to UK residents, and anyone wishing to enter must be signed up to join in the event by the time the giveaway closes (midnight on 30th April). If you’d like to enter, you can indicate your eligibility by commenting below with your blog link and/or social media username, depending on how you’ll be participating.

Participants who have already signed up and are otherwise eligible will also be entered into the prize draw. Just remember to comment!

If you are not a UK resident, don’t worry – I haven’t forgotten our international adventurers! Check back here on May 1st for my intro post, where there will be details of a second, month-long giveaway!

That’s it from me for the moment, for I have preparations to make. We’ve got a fun journey ahead! Let’s get packing…


IMAGE CREDIT: Banner by imyril; images by Svetlana Alyuk on 123RF.com

NOTE: the pegasus images are not royalty-free, but they are licensed for use to promote Wyrd and Wonder online. You are welcome to use the banners on your blog and social profiles, but please do not make any changes (except to resize as needed).



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