Week 2 has flown by, and what a week it’s been! You’ve all been nose-deep in fantasy reading, and I love to see it. Let’s take a look at what’s been selected from the shelves this week!

- The Dinosaur Lords by Victor Milan | Alligators And Aneurysms
- Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger | SFF Book Review
- The One Great Gnome by Jeff Dinardo (narrated by Simone Stevens) | Jorie Loves A Story
- Midnight Never Come by Marie Brennan | First Line Reader
- Blackwing by Ed McDonald | Parsecs and Parchment
- Kiki’s Delivery Service by Eiko Kadono | Lost in Storyland
- The House of Always by Jenn Lyons | Realms of My Mind
- Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust | Molly’s Book Nook
- Mini reviews: Hugo nominated short stories and novelettes | Dianthaa Dabbles
- The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang | Parsecs and Parchment
- Before The Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi | Velvet Opus
- The Absolute Book by Elizabeth Knox | The Fantasy Hive
- You Let Me In by Camilla Bruce | Eustea Reads
- Cold Shoulder Road by Joan Aiken | Calmgrove
- Night Watch by Sir Terry Pratchett | Peat Long
- The Woman Who Rides Like A Man by Tamora Pierce | Peat Long
- The Song Of Achilles by Madeline Miller | Alligators and Aneurysms
- Reasons why you should pick up the prequels to A Master of Djinn | A Dance With Books
- The Tower of Living and Dying by Anna Smith Spark | Parsecs and Parchment
- A Master of Djinn by P. Djèlí Clark | Jake is Reading
- Kana Cold and the Case of the Shinigami by K.C. Hunter | Mervi’s Book Reviews
- The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman | Books, Bones & Buffy
- Over the Woodward Wall by A. Deborah Baker | A Dance With Books
- King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo | The Quaint Book Nook
- The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander | Into the Heartwyld
- Harklights by Tim Tilley | Calmgrove
- Priest of Lies by Peter McLean | Parsecs & Parchment
- The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne | The BiblioSanctum
- The Tower of the Swallow by Andrzej Sapkowski | Parsecs & Parchment
- The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin | A Dance With Books
- Fireheart Tiger by Aliette de Bodard | Jessticulates
- The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix | Space and Sorcery
- Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder by T.A. Willberg | The Fantasy Hive
- Under in the Mere by Catherynne M. Valente | SFF Book Review
- The Singing Hills Cycle by Nghi Vo | Sci-Fi Mind
- The Tyrant by Seth Dickinson | Jake is Reading
- A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin | Parsecs & Parchment
- The Silent Strength of Stones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman | Bookforager
- Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo | Where Stories Lie
- Cassandra by Kathryn Gossow | Jorie Loves A Story
- The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid | The Quaint Book Nook
Interviews & Guest Posts
- Interview with Khaiah Thomson | Maxine’s Obsessions
- Top Five Secrets of Travelling Within the Verin Empire: guest post by William Ray | Jorie Loves A Story
- Publisher interview with Wyldblood Press | Jean Lee’s World
- There’s Always Room For One More (international)
- Maxine @medusa2themax (Twitter)
- Ariana Jane @queenzucchini (Twitter)
- Dear Geek Place (international)
- Zezee With Books (international)
*Falls over* Whew, that’s a lot of content! And that’s only the half that I’m covering – don’t forget to check out There’s Always Room For One More, where imyril will be rounding up your lists, discussions, read-alongs and other randomness!
Keep up the good work, adventurers. Now, onward to our third outing…
2 comments On Wyrd and Wonder Round-up, Part 2: The book bag of holding
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Hallo, Hallo Lisa,
You did a SMASHING job — it will be my turn this week to join in the festivities of doing our challenge wrap-ups — however, I had a lean week myself on the reading front. Oy. I also started working regular hours again which took a bit of a dip in my hours to read but honestly, I just had a series of DNFs that forestalled my progress. Its been an interesting year for me on that front but I was more blessed to realise I’m still migraine-free! First May in four years, imagine!?
Looks like I have a lot of reading to catch-up on this week — which is awesome!! 🙂
Thanks for compiling everything for us, I love these adventure logs so much!!
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