Welcome to Wyrd and Wonder 2024!

Good morning, dear geeks! It is May 1st. This means it’s time once again to set off on our adventures into fantasy, to explore whatever catches our fancy, and to share our finds with one another in this year’s celebration of the genre. Let’s go over what to expect!



First of all, if you missed any explanation of what exactly Wyrd and Wonder is and what we do, here’s a rundown! It includes info on how to join us, whether or not you’d like to be official about it. We welcome anyone who’s a gleeful nerd and wants to show it.

Now – on to my plans for the month! As our theme for this year’s event is Comfort Zones, I plan to read/watch as much comforting fantasy as possible (explanations of what counts as “comforting” for me will be forthcoming), but unlike most events I actually have not put together much of an actual TBR this year. Instead, I’m going to go easy on myself and play it by ear when it comes to what I’ll be reading. However, I absolutely intend to rewatch some favourite films, including Studio Ghibli classics.

I’ll also be chattering on Bluesky (@deargeekplace.bsky.social) and sharing/boosting pics over on Instagram (@deargeekplace), so you can find me there for more casual chitchat!



Oh, you didn’t think I’d forgotten about my annual Wyrd and Wonder Read Along, did you? Goodness, no. This year I’ll be revisiting an old favourite – we’re reading The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern! Here’s the full schedule, complete with hosts:


Week 1: Part One, “Primordium” – questions on or by Sunday, May 5th, hosted by Dear Geek Place
Week 2: Part Two, “Illumination” – questions on or by Sunday, May 12th, hosted by Mayri at Bookforager
Week 3: Part Three, “Intersections” – questions on or by Sunday, May 19th, hosted by Athena at OneReadingNurse
Week 4: Parts Four and Five, “Incendiary” & “Divination” – questions on or by Sunday, May 26th, hosted by Dear Geek Place


That’s all I have set in stone for now, but don’t forget to check out what our other hosts are up to! imyril at There’s Always Room For One More, Ariana at The Book Nook, Annemieke at A Dance With Books and Jorie at Jorie Loves A Story will have many more goodies for you to enjoy.

Also don’t forget you can find Wyrd And Wonder on Bluesky (@wyrdandwonder.bsky.social) and Instagram (@wyrdandwonder), or follow the hashtag #WyrdAndWonder.

Happy adventuring!



Orange dragon by Elena Zakharchuk

The gorgeous artwork has been licensed for use for this event online. You are welcome to use the banners on your Wyrd and Wonder posts, but please make no changes and always credit the artist(s).




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