Welcome to SciFi Month 2023!

As I sit among the remnants of Halloween-themed sweets and savour the last wisps of spooky cheer (farewell for another year, Spooktastic Reads!), I hear a spaceship descend. It is the mother ship. The good ship SciFi Month, and it’s come to take us on another adventure. Come fly with us.


A futuristic cityscape, overlaid with text reading "Imagine the future / 1-30 November / SciFi Month 2023"


First off, as always, if you missed the announcement/explanation post and are wondering what SciFi Month is all about, we’ve got you covered! Check out this post.

Done that? Great! Let’s talk about what I plan (hope, really, let’s face it plans are not something that generally do well in these parts) to get into this month…


The SciFi Month Read Along

One thing I do always love to do for this event is a Read Along, and this year I’m super hyped to return to a trilogy I’ve yet to complete, though the first book – the one featured in this Read Along – blew me away when I first read it and I can’t wait to revisit it now. I’m talking about Behind The Throne by K.B. Wagers, and if you haven’t yet read it, trust me, you are missing out! But there’s still time to join in – take a look at the full schedule:



  • Week 1: Chapters 1-8, questions posted on or by Thursday 2nd November, hosted by Dear Geek Place
  • Week 2: Chapters 9-15, questions on/by Thursday 9th, hosted by Bookforager
  • Week 3: Chapters 16-22, questions on/by Thursday 16th, hosted by The Book Nook
  • Week 4: Chapters 23 to End, questions on/by Thursday 23rd, hosted by Dear Geek Place


I will be putting a post up with the weekly questions to kick us off tomorrow, and will pop a link in our Discord server’s Read Along channel and on Bluesky, Twitter and Instagram (@deargeekplace everywhere) along with the #SciFiMonth hashtag wherever hashtags apply. If you’d like a link to the Discord server, which I suspect is becoming our comfiest social media home base these days, feel free to hit me up!

As for other stuff I’ve got in mind for the month… well, that’s a bit up in the air. My TBR, as always, will be a fluid, ever-changing thing, I’ve no doubt. BUT. I do have a copy of Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh on my Kindle app, and I’ve been looking forward to diving into that for a while.

My other regular event feature, the first-time movie livetweets, may or may not take on a new form since tweeting anything on That Site is a bit of a dismal prospect these days. But I have a blog, we have other means of building discussion, and I intend to see how well that works. At the moment, I’m tackling the first season of Babylon 5 – but I’m also on the lookout for good SF movies to watch, so if you’ve got suggestions feel free to share them!

I think that’s it from me for the moment. I’ve got a lot of reading/exploring/searching for stuff, to do. Best get on with it.

Happy exploring, space crew!


Artwork copyright: Yosua Bungaran Cahya Putra

As always with the artwork provided for this event, please feel free to make use of it BUT remember to credit the artist, and please do not make any changes except to resize. 






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