SciFi Month Mission Log: Week 3

We have reached the end of another week, so it’s time for another round-up of your wonderful nerdery! I’ve got your reviews and Read Along posts again this week, and be sure to check out imyril’s blog for a round-up of the various other goodies!


A futuristic cityscape, overlaid with text reading "Imagine the future / 1-30 November / SciFi Month 2023"



Celeste at A Literary Escape reviewed Nicole Little’s SF novella Roxy Buckles and the Flight of the Sparrow;

Laura Tisdall shared her thoughts on The Future by Naomi Alderman;

Mervi at Mervi’s Book Reviews featured The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi, and A Bad Deal For The Whole Galaxy (Salvagers #2) by Alex White;

Tammy at Books, Bones & Buffy talked about Earth Retrograde (The First Planets #2) by R.W.W. Greene;

Will at A Refuge From Life recommended Great North Road by Peter F. Hamilton, and Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky;

Annemieke at A Dance With Books reviewed System Collapse (The Murderbot Diaries #7) by Martha Wells;

imyril at There’s Always Room For One More enjoyed M.V. Melcer’s Refractions (the star of one of our giveaways this month, which you can still enter!);

Ollie at Infinite Speculation reviewed Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky;

Nic at Dragon Rambles loved reading Wulfsyarn by Philip Mann, but DNF’d The Female Man by Joanna Russ;

and Janette at Witchy Reading reviewed Plutoshine by Lucy Kissick.



And now, a round-up of our Read Along posts so far!

Week 1Discussion questions | Dear Geek Place | The Book Nook | Bookforager | Pages & Procrastination | There’s Always Room For One More | A Dance With Books (Weeks 1 & 2)

Week 2Discussion questions | Dear Geek Place | The Book Nook | Bookforager | Pages & Procrastination | There’s Always Room For One More

Week 3: Discussion questions | Dear Geek Place | The Book Nook | Bookforager | Pages & Procrastination | There’s Always Room For One More | A Dance With Books

(Links will be added as they go live)

And that’s it from me for another week!

Next week is the final week (and a half). HOW. HOW IS NEARLY OVER?!

Wow. Anyway, yes. One more week (and a half)! One more nerdfest! (…And a half!)

Til next time…


Artwork copyrightYosua Bungaran Cahya Putra

As always with the artwork provided for this event, please feel free to make use of it BUT remember to credit the artist, and please do not make any changes except to resize. 

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