Dear Geeks: Announcing Wyrd & Wonder 2023!

Hello dear geeks! It’s that time of year again, the time when your friendly neighbourhood fantasy nerds start teasing you with Wyrd & Wonder announcements and plans. First and foremost, of course, is THE RETURN OF WYRD & WONDER. For a sixth year!


So the finer points of our plans are still being worked out, as it’s barely spring and Life is A Lot for us all, but we are super excited to bring you another fantasy-filled May!

One thing we’ve certainly done is pick our theme for this year, and in keeping with the “broad definition” nature of Wyrd & Wonder as a celebratory event, we’re going with… MAGIC.

Witches! Wizards! Spells and spookiness! Be it folksy, cute or macabre, whatever comes to mind when you think of magic, it can all go in the cauldron. I’ll be going for a reading theme of witchy magic myself, but I’m really keen to see what you all go for when we kick this off!

All five hosts – myself, imyril, Jorie, Annemieke and Ariana – will be returning with a spectrum of social media goodies for you, spanning Twitter (yes, even though it’s … A Problem) and Instagram (@wyrdandwonder on both), a plethora of blogs and also Discord! Yes, we are expanding our already-established Sci-Fi Month Discord server to include the Wyrd & Wonder event, and every adventurer is welcome to join us there for cosier, more comfortable chatter and signal boosting etc. Just hit up myself (@deargeekplace) or @imyril on Twitter DMs for an invite if you want in!

And, as always, there’s our official sign-up form for those who want access to the master spreadsheet of linkage, to keep track of what the party at large is up to!

For more info on signing up and to get your hands on our Year 6 banners and images, head on over to There’s Always Room For One More, where imyril has you sorted out!

And because I’m super excited and can’t help myself, I can also announce that my Readalong for this year will be none other than Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones! Scheduling and banner art are works in progress, so look out for a future announcement with more info, but there it is! Shout in the comments if you’re interested, and even if you’d like to help me host it!

I think that’s all I’ve got for the moment, but do stay tuned for more information as we have it! The adventure (planning) starts here…




Witch by astromoali.

The gorgeous artwork has been licensed for use for this event online. You are welcome to use the banners on your Wyrd & Wonder posts, but please make no changes and always credit the artist(s).





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