November Recap: Powering Down

It is December 1st. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN.

Regardless, before I turn my attention to work, work, Christmas and work for the next few weeks, let’s take a look back at the sheer madness that was November!


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash. Quote from The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers.

Another month of sci-fi celebrations has wound down, and even though I didn’t get nearly as many books read as I wanted to, I still managed to have a fantastic time nerding out this past month. Hugest of huge thanks to everybody who took part this in this year’s Sci-Fi Month – officially our busiest yet since imyril and I took up the hosting duties! To every blogger, author, reviewer and shameless geek alike who contributed and/or got involved on Twitter – YOU ARE THE BEST. We thank you, and can’t wait for next year!

Here’s what I did manage to get done around here for this year’s event!


Top Ten Tuesday (SF edition): Battle of the Backlist!

Review: The Calculating Stars (Lady Astronaut #1) by Mary Robinette Kowal

Read Along: The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers – Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Roundtable interview: For The Love Of SF


But that wasn’t all – I managed to get some non-SciFi Month related content in there too:

Top Ten Tuesday: One Day, All This Will Be Mine

Tremontaine: A City In Crisis (S4E8)

I am a little bit behind schedule with my Tremontaine reviews, but I am now focused (mostly) solely on catching up, and even though December is my allotted blogger break time, I will be doing my best to keep up those weekly reviews. Because TREMONTAINE.

Reading is Fundamental

The Beyond series by Kit Rocha has been doing its very best to derail me with its insane levels of goodness. There are nine books in all, if I’m not mistaken, and I am currently 7 books deep. Help me. Or check them out for yourself and join me in my love affair with them, if you haven’t discovered them yet. (Fair warning: they are pretty full-on erotica, and not the least bit ashamed of it – but they are also all about found families! And post-apocalyptic gang warfare! And women kicking just as much ass as the men! It’s feeding several of my habits at once and I am HERE FOR IT. O’Kane for life.)

Fortune’s Pawn (Paradox #1) by Rachel Bach was a late discovery this month – a bit too late to make it into my review list for Sci-Fi Month, but that will certainly not stop me from singing its praises. It sure as heck didn’t keep me from immediately ordering the second book in the series (Honour’s Knight) – which I picked up today, so December’s reading is already looking pretty fab. If you’re a fan of flawed but fantastic female protagonists and/or intrigue and aliens (sometimes both at once) in space, then get yourself a copy of this AT ONCE.

Blood of Elves (The Witcher #1) by Andrzej Sapkowski was definitely my Thinking Fantasy Nerd’s book of choice this month. I will definitely be returning to the world of Geralt, Ciri and company ASAP…

Welcome to the TBR Family

Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly

Of Blood and Honey/And Blue Skies From Pain (The Fey and the Fallen) by Stina Leicht

To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo

The Tea Master and the Detective by Aliette de Bodard

The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang


So! With all that done, and a reading list like that to enjoy during the coming dark month(s), it’s time for me to chill out a bit. Have a safe and wonderful holiday season, everyone, and I will see you on the other side…






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