SciFi Month Read Along: Behind The Throne, Week 3

It’s the penultimate week of this SciFi Month Read Along, and things are getting very tense as Hail starts to uncover who is responsible for the series of attacks on her and her family… or does she? This chewy thought-nugget and more, as I answer questions on chapters 16 through 22! SPOILERS BELOW.

Sci-Fi Month 2023 Read Along: Behind The Throne by K.B. Wagers

A futuristic cityscape, overlaid with text reading "Imagine the future / 1-30 November / SciFi Month 2023"

Most of the way through my second week of leisure (hooray for time off), I have remembered to post a thing! That thing being the complete reading schedule for this year’s Sci-Fi Month Read Along, which I recently announced would be Behind The Throne, the first book of The Indranan War trilogy by K.B. Wagers. Let’s take a look!

Nerds! In! SPAAAACE: November recap

Well, we did it. Time is meaningless and November, much like 2020 as a whole, felt like it lasted far longer than it did at times (let’s hear it for being a key worker), but there was a wonderful shining light called Sci-Fi Month to get me through it, even if I didn’t post nearly as much content as I would have liked. I did get some awesome media consumed, though! Let’s look back…

Top Ten Tuesday: Spring 2020 TBR

Hello from the Dear Geek… Bunker? Well, sort of. I haven’t been hoarding toilet paper, I promise. But as usual, I continue to hoard books, and though I dearly wish the circumstances were better it looks as though I may get even more time than usual now to work my way through them. But social distancing stops at the internet door, and so I’m here to share a bit of what I’ll hopefully be reading over the next couple of

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Top Ten Tuesday: Starry-eyed for books

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This weekly list feature uses topic prompts to inspire readers/bloggers to share the best (or worst, or most Interesting) of their bookshelves, be it the TBR section, personal favourites or books that have caught their attention. This week’s prompt is “TBR books you predict will be 5-star reads”, and this one is bound to be interesting! It’s also a tricky

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