SciFi Month Mission Log: Week 3

It’s about time to flip and burn for home, but as we enter the final week of this year’s event, let’s take a look at the previous week’s random loot!



Lauren at Always Me began the week with a new Music Monday post, featuring a trio of musical highlights from the Bill & Ted trilogy;

Tuesday saw Alex at Dreadnought Press and Mervi at Mervi’s Book Reviews tackle Trope Tuesday with a look at Psi Powers, while Tammy at Books, Bones & Buffy brought us an Intergalactic Book Tag;

Wednesday was Future Fiction day at Books, Bones & Buffy, while the team at The BiblioSanctum were sharing upcoming releases they’re eager to get their hands on for Waiting on Wednesday. Meanwhile Zezee at Zezee with Books brought us Yet Another Star Trek Book Tag;

It was also a day for Remote Moon Reads, with Alex at Dreadnought Press, Ariana at Book Nook Reviews, Mayri at The Bookforager and Mervi at Mervi’s Book Reviews all weighing in;

Thursday was Throwback day in the challenge prompts, and Alex at Dreadnought Press and Lauren at Always Me got in on that action. Lauren also rounded out the week with a Friday 56 (with Book Beginnings) post.

Lauren and myself also rounded out the weekend, with a couple of Sunday round-up posts of our own: Sunday Funday from Lauren, and The Week in Geek from me!



Speaking of round-ups, let’s get an update on who thought what in our Winter’s Orbit Read Along:

Week 1The Book Forager | Book Nook Reviews | Lisa’s Books, Gems and Tarot | There’s Always Room For One More | Dear Geek Place

Week 2The Book Forager | Book Nook Reviews | Lisa’s Books, Gems and Tarot | There’s Always Room For One More | Dear Geek Place

Week 3The Book Forager | Book Nook Reviews | Lisa’s Books, Gems and Tarot | There’s Always Room For One More | Dear Geek Place

(Links will be added as they go live)

And that’s it for my mission log this week, but don’t forget to check out imyril’s report of all your reviews and discussion posts!

Homeward bound, we go…



The artwork used to create this banner is licensed for use in promoting the event online. You’re welcome to use our banners and other images to show your participation, but please do not make any changes except to resize as needed. And please remember to credit the artist.

ART by Liu Zishan on

QUOTE from Babylon’s Ashes by James S.A. Corey





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