The Week in Geek: Desert weirdness, Island cuteness

It’s been a quiet week here, mostly by design. But I did get some stuff read, some stuff watched, and more stuff played!



First up, my SciFi Month update!


I finished reading Ten Low by Stark Holborn this week, and daaaaamn.

While there are clear (and favourable) similarities to Dune, Mad Max: Fury Road and even Alex Wells’s Ghost Wolves books (which I loved, by the way, you should read those), this is still very much its own thing. It’s grim, it’s intense, it’s explosive and often intriguingly weird. All of those things have the potential to put me off, if I’m being honest; these days I tend to approach non-gentle reading with trepidation. But this book was so hard to put down! A definite highlight of 2021.



Firebreak by Nicole Kornher-Stace was the next book to be picked up off the TBR pile, and while I’m only a few chapters in at this point, it has hit the ground running. Another not-gentle read, I suspect, but with all the online hype I’ve seen regarding its championing of platonic relationships, I am super excited to get into it – and I must say, it’s already snared my attention!

Despite reading the blurb, I must also say I feel like I have very little idea what’s going on or what to expect, but that is certainly not always a bad thing! I guess that’ll be half the fun. Bring it on.


Elsewhere in my SciFi Month explorations, I continue on my jazzy journey through the Cowboy Bebop anime, and everything about this show delights me, up to and absolutely including the DATA CORGI. I need a proper binge-watching night, and soon. SOON.


Out in the real world (sort of?), though, I’ve taken the plunge and got myself a Nintendo Switch, and I’ve been dipping my toes into the very gentle world of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Yes, this is an invitation to hit me up if you’re playing online! I spent some time last night collecting weeds and apples and learning the ropes, and I can definitely see myself taking some much-needed holiday refuge in this game in the coming weeks.

On that note, I’m going to sign off for now and get on with stuff. See you next time!



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ART by Liu Zishan on

QUOTE from Babylon’s Ashes by James S.A. Corey

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