Sci-Fi Month Mission Log: Week 2

Welcome back, space crew, to another round-up of the exploratory goodness from the second week of Sci-Fi Month! Today I’m sharing reviews, discussions and other Fun Stuff! Let’s take a look…



Michael at Nashville BookwormTV Review: The Power of The Doctor (Doctor Who) | TV Review: Quantum Leap, “Stand By Ben” | Star Trek: The Galactic Whirlpool by David Gerrold

Mogsy at The BiblioSanctumLiving Memory by David Walton | Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell

Maddalena at Space and SorceryThe Stars Undying by Emery Robin | Dune (Dune #1) by Frank Herbert

Heather at Based on a True StoryVictories Greater Than Death by Charlie Jane Anders

John at SciFi MindHidden Solace by Karl Drinkwater

Ariana at The Book NookMaster & Apprentice by Claudia Gray

Mervi at Mervi’s Book ReviewsChildren of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Suzy at Suzy’s Cozy WorldOcean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell | Blackthorne by Clayton W. Snyder

Azrah at Quintessentially BookishThe Stars Undying by Emery Robin

Mayri at BookforagerTo Be Taught If Fortunate by Becky Chambers

Fun Stuff!

Lauren at Always Me – Music Monday: Sunshine (2007) | The Friday 56 (with Book Beginnings): Ghosts of India (Doctor Who: New Series Adventures #25) by Mark Morris | Give A Book Tag

Mogsy at The BiblioSanctumWaiting on Wednesday | Friday Face-Off: The Gang

Imyril at There’s Always Room For One MoreSix Degrees of Separation… with Ren Hutchings

SciFi Month Read Along

The Galaxy and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers (full schedule here)

Week 1: Dear Geek Place | Bookforager


That’s it from me, but Imyril has you covered for Challenge prompt posts, lists & recs, and a giveaway roundup! Let’s keep exploring, shall we?


IMAGE CREDIT: All SciFi Month artwork this year is courtesy of Simon Fetscher.

As always, you are welcome to use our banners, buttons and graphics on your own blog posts/social media. Just please remember to credit the artist, and also that any changes other than resizing are not permitted. 



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