Dear Geeks: Announcing the Wyrd and Wonder Read Along!

Some news today, for all you fantasy nerds joining (or thinking of joining) us for a sixth Wyrd & Wonder adventure! I’ve had to sit on my hands to keep this post under wraps ALL MONTH because I’m so excited about it, but it’s finally time to share the schedule for my annual Wyrd & Wonder Read Along!


(Many thanks yet again to imyril for putting this banner together!)

Yes, that’s right. After five years of circling this book and always being distracted by other shinies, it is finally time to read Howl’s Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones. And as if that wasn’t awesome enough, I am hosting this one in partnership with the ever-fabulous Nils and Beth over at The Fantasy Hive! This fine duo have been among our dearest and most devoted adventurers, and I am super excited to be teaming up with them on what promises to be a real nerd-fest. I am counting the days. And you can join us!

If you’d like to take part officially, you can sign up via this form and/or join us on our Discord server – hit me up on Twitter (@deargeekplace) for a link to that! Official sign-up is not necessary, if you’re a casual observer that’s totally cool! But for those who want to go all in on the Read Along, weekly questions will be posted on Discord.

OK, let’s get on and have a look at that schedule, shall we?

  • Week 1: Chapters 1 through 7 – hosted by Dear Geek Place
  • Week 2: Chapters 8 through 14 – hosted by The Fantasy Hive
  • Week 3: Chapters 15 through End – hosted by The Fantasy Hive

It’s a short one this time, but I fully expect shenanigans aplenty!

Questions will be posted on Discord each Wednesday (or thereabouts, we’re not strict around here), with Q&A posts going up … well, whenever it suits you between question days, but I’ll be aiming for weekend posts here. I’ll be kicking the Read Along off on Wednesday, May 3rd, so mark your calendars – I can’t wait for the fun to begin!



Howl’s Moving Castle | Art: ©2004 Nibariki TGNDDDT


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