Wyrd & Wonder Readalong: The Darkest Part of the Forest, Week 3

We have reached the penultimate section of this book, and the danger has (quite literally) come home for our would-be heroes. Not to mention, some deep dark secrets have begun coming to light… Let’s discuss The Darkest Part of the Forest, with questions courtesy of the ever wonderful Mayri at The Bookforager!

Wyrd & Wonder Read Along: The Darkest Part of the Forest, Week 1

Hello! I am running late on so much Wyrd & Wonder stuff BUT. I finally have a couple of weeks off to play, to read, to write, to chill the heck out. Let’s crack on, and take a look at the opening chapters of Holly Black’s The Darkest Part of the Forest… SPOILERS WITHIN FOR CHAPTERS 1-5.

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