Hello, all! So. Having fallen behind in the Kushiel’s Avatar Read Along last week, I am cramming two weeks of Q&A into a single post. Send help. Let’s discuss the finale of Kushiel’s Avatar. Plentiful spoilers will follow for the final chapters!
Tag: Kushiel’s Legacy
Darkness meets the light this week, as Phèdre avenges herself and others upon the Mahrkagir, and our heroes make their escape from Daršanga… Spoilers follow for chapters 52 through 68.
The situation gets dire this week as Phédre and Joscelin reach Drujan, and are faced with the grim reality of their choices as they meet the Mahrkagir and learn of the coming rise of Angra Mainyu – and find Imriel, at last. This week’s reading took a toll on our group, but we’re seeing it through. With that in mind, let’s discuss Kushiel’s Avatar…
It is time to discuss the second segment of Kushiel’s Avatar, and this week there’s a plot twist! Also, travel. Lots of travel. Spoilers follow for chapters 17 through 34.
Hello all! Today marks the beginning of the (final!) end of a series read-along that began … ahem, years ago now, as myself and several lovely fellow book nerds pick up the final book of Jacqueline Carey’s first Kushiel trilogy. Phèdre nó Delaunay de Montrève is undertaking her final perilous adventure, and we’re about to embark upon it with her… NOTE: Spoilers will likely be a feature of these posts! If you haven’t read the book and want to avoid …
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