In the penultimate segment of this read-along, Phèdre makes some sacrifices, and does a lot of soul-searching, for the sake of another. She also makes it back to familiar territory, but the danger is far from over… Let’s discuss Kushiel’s Chosen. Spoilers follow for chapters 56 through 70.
Tag: Kushiel’s Chosen
In this week’s chapters, Phèdre escapes La Dolorosa, narrowly escapes drowning … and ends up in the hands of a notorious pirate. Let’s discuss Kushiel’s Chosen. Spoilers follow for chapters 45 through 55.
The drama is cranked up this week as our intrepid company arrives in La Serenissima. Phèdre finally discovers where Melisande has been hiding herself … and pays a heavy price for the knowledge. Let’s discuss Kushiel’s Chosen. This week’s discussion contains spoilers for chapters 31 through 44.
As Phèdre heads to La Serenissima in search of her answers, she gets a few surprises along the way – both at home and on the road. But what awaits her at her destination? Let’s discuss Kushiel’s Chosen. This week’s discussion contains spoilers for chapters 18 through 30.
The Wyrd and Wonder Read-along of the Kushiel novels by Jacqueline Carey returns! We are picking up Kushiel’s Chosen for a group read and some juicy Q&A action. This is a reread for me, but it’s been a while so a lot of my memories of this book are spotty at best. This will be interesting.
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