SciFi Month 2024: Prepare to launch

Hello dear geeks! I’ve got another SciFi Month update post today, as we get closer and closer to November (cue flailing)! Read on for more details on what we’ve got planned for you all…

Banner image of a retro-style planetary landscape, with a moon and several planets in the background. Text reads "SciFi Month 2024 / 1-30 November / If the past is always present it will be the future

First of all, in case you’re shiny and new and you missed the first announcement post, here’s a quick rundown on the event and what it’s all about!

… Caught up? Excellent!

First on the list for this year’s events: our Read Alongs/buddy reads. We’ve got a few of them planned for this year, but in a surprise flip I will not be the one running the weekly Read Along – that one’s in imyril’s hands, as she’s organising a Read Along of William Gibson’s cyberpunk classic Neuromancer – check out her blog for more details!

But that’s not all. Our Discord server, OtherWorlds, will be the home base for a couple of buddy reads as well. In addition to her Read Along, imyril will be hosting a buddy read of Yoon Ha Lee’s Ninefox Gambit. Alongside this, I’ll be hosting a buddy read of The Stars Are Legion by Kameron Hurley!

If you’re not a member of our Discord server and you’d like to be, just send me a message on socials – I’m @deargeekplace on Bluesky and Instagram – and I’ll get you hooked up. Likewise, you can reach out to @imyril (Bluesky only) and she can also get you an invite.

Next up: our annual SciFi Month prompt challenge! As if we’d forget that. BEHOLD.

1: Astronavigation (TBR)                                                                                 16: Comms are down!
2: Gateway                                                                                       17: Shelfie Sunday/Recent haul
3: One way ticket                                                                          18: Punching above their weight
4: Little blue dot                                                                                     19: Oldest SF on your shelf
5: Future cities                                                                                                                20: Dystopia
6: Wild space                                                                                                        21: Use your words
7: Since we last met                                                                                           22: (Space) Odyssey
8: Aye Aye Captain                                                                                             23: #StackSaturday
9: Black hole                                                                                                           24: On the scopes
10: Book to screen                                                                                                             25: Vintage
11: In memoriam                                                                                                26: Out of this world
12: Going places                                                                                                         27: Post-human
13: Cyberpunk                                                                                                                    28: Settlers
14: Current read                                                                                                          29: Macguffins
15: Ghost in the machine                                                                                      30: Crew’s Choice


That’s it from me for the moment, but that’s certainly not the last you’ll hear from us before November! Keep an eye on imyril’s blog for details on this year’s giveaway, and on our Instagram and Bluesky accounts, where we will be boosting signals and sharing the goods when the event kicks off. You can find us in both places @SciFiMonth, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #SciFiMonth2024 if you’re taking part!



Banner: Art by Sxwx (to the best of our knowledge, not AI-generated)

The art for our banner is licensed for use online for this event. We’re happy for you to use it as well, but please do not make any changes except to resize. (And please remember to credit the artist!)




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