Wyrd & Wonder 2024: Final Quest Log

It is now June, and we have put our adventurer’s packs away for another year – but before we go, there’s one last round of loot-sharing and tale-telling to do!

Let’s take a look at the last few days of reviews and Read Along posts.



Celeste at A Literary Escape reviewed Dreams of Fire by Shauna Lawless;

Nic at Dragon Rambles reviewed A Blackbird in Silver by Freda Warrington;

Mervi at Mervi’s Book Reviews reviewed Behind Blue Skies by J.S. Morin, and Scarlet by Genevieve Cogman;

Heather at Based on a True Story reviewed A Taste of Sage by Yaffa S. Santos;

Starr K at Pages and Procrastination reviewed Cece Rios and the Desert of Souls by Kaela Rivera;

Zezee at Zezee With Books reviewed The High King’s Tomb by Kristen Britain, Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey, and Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree;

Timy at Queen’s Book Asylum reviewed The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams, while Jen (also of Queen’s Book Asylum) reviewed The Crimson Court by Brendan Noble;

Rebecca at Powder & Page reviewed Evocation by S.T. Gibson;

and Athena at OneReadingNurse reviewed The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern


Two figures on either end of a banner image, one of whom is holding a key. Text in the middle reads "Sunbolt / A Wyrd and Wonder Readalong / Sunbolt + Memories of Ash"


Sunbolt & Memories of Ash by Intisar Khanani

Week 1Foxes and Fairy Tales | Pages & Procrastination | Bookforager | A Dance With Books | There’s Always Room For One More | Peat Long | Dear Geek Place | BookWyrm Knits

Week 2Foxes and Fairy Tales | Lost in the Narrative | Bookforager | There’s Always Room For One More | A Dance With Books | BookWyrm Knits

Week 3: Foxes and Fairy Tales | A Dance With Books | BookWyrm Knits | Lost in the Narrative

Week 4: A Dance With Books | BookWyrm Knits | Bookforager


Two figures, one suited and the other in a long gown with a flowing red scarf, silhouetted in white against a black background along with a dove in flight. Text reads: THE NIGHT CIRCUS / A WYRD & WONDER READ ALONG


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Week 1: The Green Tea Librarian | OneReadingNurse | Bookforager | The Book Nook | BookWyrm Knits | Dear Geek Place

Week 2: OneReadingNurse | The Green Tea Librarian | BookWyrm Knits | Dear Geek Place | Bookforager | Zezee With Books

Week 3: The Green Tea Librarian | Zezee With Books | The Book Nook | Bookforager | Dear Geek Place | BookWyrm Knits

Week 4: OneReadingNurse | The Green Tea Librarian | BookWyrm Knits | Bookforager | Dear Geek Place | The Book Nook


… That’s it for another round, and another year! As always, everyone really showed up and did amazing and I appreciate all of you, and I hope we see you back again next May.

Or, you know. In November. For that other event we do that isn’t fantasy… what’s it called again… *Wink*



Black dragon by Ehtisham Sajid

The gorgeous artwork has been licensed for use for this event online. You are welcome to use the banners on your Wyrd and Wonder posts, but please make no changes and always credit the artist(s).

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