Top Ten Tuesday: Spooktastic TBR

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s prompt is a freebie! And since it’s almost Halloween and the penultimate day of Spooktastic Reads, I’m going to share some seasonally appropriate books that are still (or have now been put) on my TBR list!



The Girl in the Green Silk Gown by Seanan McGuire

I’m actually reading this one at the moment, and though I doubt I’ll get any more reviews in before Spooktastic Reads comes to an end, I wanted to include a mention for this – and for the book preceding it.

This is a sequel to Sparrow Hill Road, and if you haven’t read that story of hitchhiking ghosts, murder, vengeance, love, and Americana by twilight, definitely start there and join me when you’ve caught up.


A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay

This one’s been on my shelf for a while, perhaps being criminally overlooked… From the back cover blurb it sounds like The Exorcist meets reality television, and I don’t know about you but that sounds entirely horrifying to me…


The Archived by Victoria Schwab

Another one that’s gone under my radar for a while despite being on my shelf – but I hear it’s getting a re-release, at least here in the UK, pretty soon, so it looks like now is the time to bump it up the old reading list!

“Imagine a place where the dead rest on shelves like books.”

There’s more to the blurb, but that’s got my attention good and proper! And I’m a well-established fan of Ms Schwab’s books at this point, so this is probably more of a completionist urge, but whatever keeps one reading, am I right?


The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell

A more recent addition to my shelves, this is still calling to me, pushing my gothic horror/fantasy/mystery-loving buttons.

A creepy, atmospheric old house in a dreary small town, full of secrets and grief and resentment and possibly (probably?) ghosts to go with it all? Never stop signing me up.


Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier

Sticking with the gothic horror/tragedy theme, this is a more classic number but it tickles my spooky fancy nonetheless. Having read and admired Rebecca (note: I should revisit that one too), I’d quite like to go back for seconds and try another of du Maurier’s novels…


We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson

Another classic, and another selection from my “Why Won’t You Read Me?” shelf, I swear I’ll get around to this one day! Though I admit I’ve got the upcoming film adaptation to remind me to read the original novel first…


Lost Boy by Christina Henry

I really enjoy a good retelling of a classic story, particularly if there’s an interesting twist to the premise involved. This alternate version of the well-known story of Peter Pan as told from the point of view of Captain Hook definitely pushes my buttons, and having read Henry’s first novel, Alice (guess who that one’s about), last year, I was impressed by the darker, more horror-esque flavour she seems to give these retellings. And let’s face it, a story about children disappearing in the company of a stranger is hard to top for terror. PETER PAN WAS NOT A HERO YOU GUYS.

Ahem! Anyway…


The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

Another one that’s been nudged onto my list by a screen adaptation, this time thanks to the Netflix series based on it. I absolutely intend to watch that because I haven’t seen Timothy Hutton around since Leverage ended, and I miss his face. So it’s time to add another classic to my library! This one’s been adapted quite a few times, and I know various versions of the story, but I’m curious to go to the source before I watch the show, this time.


Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado

I’ll be coming at this collection of short stories as a complete newbie to Ms Machado’s work, so far as I know, so I’m looking forward to seeing what she’s got to offer. I’ve heard some good words about this one from trusted sources, so it’s definitely going on my list just as soon as I can get my hands on a copy!


Midnight Crossroad by Charlaine Harris

Paranormal/urban fantasy is much more familiar territory for me, and yet I’ve never picked up one of Ms Harris’s books. Again, though, I’ve heard good things about this one (the first in her Midnight, Texas series), so the next time I get the urge for something a bit more comfortable, genre-wise, I may just go for this one…



So that’s my Spooktastic TBR Top Ten! What’s on yours?









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