Top Ten Tuesday: Spring 2020 TBR

Hello from the Dear Geek… Bunker? Well, sort of. I haven’t been hoarding toilet paper, I promise. But as usual, I continue to hoard books, and though I dearly wish the circumstances were better it looks as though I may get even more time than usual now to work my way through them. But social distancing stops at the internet door, and so I’m here to share a bit of what I’ll hopefully be reading over the next couple of

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Top Ten Tuesday: Not all hearts and flowers

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This weekly list feature uses topic prompts to inspire readers/bloggers to share the best (or worst, or most Interesting) of their bookshelves, be it the TBR section, personal favourites or books that have caught their attention. So, this week’s prompt is a love freebie. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I guess that was inevitable. Thing is, though, I’m

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Top Ten Tuesday: Starry-eyed for books

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This weekly list feature uses topic prompts to inspire readers/bloggers to share the best (or worst, or most Interesting) of their bookshelves, be it the TBR section, personal favourites or books that have caught their attention. This week’s prompt is “TBR books you predict will be 5-star reads”, and this one is bound to be interesting! It’s also a tricky

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Calm before the nerd storm: September 2019 Recap

It’s been a difficult month in terms of getting anything actually done, to the point where I’ve had to step back from some things and use my time to just breathe, regroup and try to focus on the next thing, and hope to return to the unfinished things when the brain weasels will allow it. But if there’s going to be time to breathe, it’s probably good that it was now. October is a day away, and I’ve got things

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The Worst: Discussing Dreams of Gods and Monsters, Part 4

Well. That escalated quickly. SPOILERS WILL FOLLOW FOR CHAPTERS 32 THROUGH 42. In this part of the book, Eliza finds out where The Suits were taking her, and is left with an existential revelation (or several). Meanwhile, Karou comes up with a plan and convinces the others to go along with it – but a surprise attack throws everything into chaos… I AM NOT OKAY. Let’s discuss Dreams of Gods and Monsters.  

Warp: Discussing Dreams of Gods and Monsters, Part 2

Or, Lisa Flails About Her Messed Up Darlings. SPOILERS WILL FOLLOW FOR CHAPTERS 11 THROUGH 20. In this part of the book, the Misbegotten and the chimaera rebel forces come together, as Karou and Akiva try to forge a semblance of peace between them. It … only goes a little bit wrong? Relatively speaking? All that and more! Let’s discuss Dreams of Gods and Monsters. CONTENT NOTE: Discussion of asexual coding/representation.

Tilt To Panic: Discussing Dreams of Gods and Monsters, Part 1

So the time has finally come for me to finish Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy, and as before I’ll be breaking this book down into segments and posting a weekly review/discussion post/wordflail about the chapters I read. In these opening chapters, the angels arrive on Earth and … everything’s going to hell. IRONICALLY. Oh, I’ve missed my messed up darlings. Let’s discuss Dreams of Gods & Monsters. Spoilers follow for chapters 1 through 10.

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