Top Ten Tuesday: What’s in a name?

Tuesday means it’s time for another Top Ten! Today, we’re shining a spotlight on books with one-word titles. A pleasingly easy one this week, given the size of my current book collection… Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This weekly list feature uses topic prompts to inspire readers/bloggers to share the best (or worst, or most Interesting) of their bookshelves, be it the TBR section, personal

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Top Ten Tuesday: Starry-eyed for books

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This weekly list feature uses topic prompts to inspire readers/bloggers to share the best (or worst, or most Interesting) of their bookshelves, be it the TBR section, personal favourites or books that have caught their attention. This week’s prompt is “TBR books you predict will be 5-star reads”, and this one is bound to be interesting! It’s also a tricky

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Refresh: July 2019 Recap

So the weather’s gotten abominably warm, to the point where I’m hydrating more than I’ve ever hydrated before. On the plus side, I’m on a wonderful streak of reading amazing books, and with August on the doorstep, Worldcon is that much closer! Let’s look at what July got done, and take a look ahead at some fun things coming soon!

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